
New Project

Want to create a project in Azure DevOps but would like to understand all the settings you are in the right place.

Creating a new project in Azure DevOps requires you to sign into your Azure DevOps Organisations if you haven’t got an Organisation yet please go to the tutorial where I talk you through the process.


Project Name

This is what the project will be called and will be part of the URL for all the aspects of the project.


Short description to explain what the project goals/vision is this will be displayed on the summary page and is useful for project team members or new members to understand the purpose or goal of the project.

Visibility – Public / Private

If you would like to have anyone come and access the code, it could be a open source project you are working on for example. Then Public is the choice for you. If this is greyed out then the Organisation has a security policy not to allow public repositories. For details please head over to this post.

Where as if you are working on a project just for you organisation then Private is the best option and head over to this post where I you will find how to configure the policy to stop public projects from being created.

Version Control

You need to decided if you are going to use GIT or Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) there are positive and negatives to each of these. But remember these aren’t the only options, you could be using another source control system and disable Repos. Other source control system supported by Azure DevOps Pipelines include Bitbucket Cloud, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, Subversion or Other Git Repositories.

If you are coming from Team Foundation Server you will be more familiar with TFVC. Where there is only one version of the code base on the users machine. The client tools are restricted to only a few. You can create very large repositories of files and version.

Compare that to with Git where the distributed nature means there are different version of the source on the users machine. The client tooling is vast as Git is an open source version control, so can be used with Eclipse or Xcode. The concept is to have lots of smaller repositories in a modular approach instead of having one large repository.

If you chose the wrong one it doesn’t matter you can create a new repository with the right type within the Repo area.


The process only impacts the Boards, which are the work items.

Agile – Where you want to keep track of User Stories

Basic – Simple tracking of Tasks

CMMI – For a Formal approach, with risk management.

Scrum – If you follow Scrum approach

The process isn’t 100% what you want. You can alter the process and even switch to another Process.

New Project


Below are the different out of the box Work Item Processes and the types of Work Items in them. I am not going to go into detail here but there are some differences between the processes.










Well we looked at the process of creating a New Project. I hope you have created yours now. Please subscribe to my email list and I will notify you on future posts.

Head over to the video: